How to believe in yourself and achieve the impossible!

Vitin Landivar
5 min readOct 7, 2019

History is full of examples of people that achieved the impossible by the strength and power of their faith.

“All things are possible to those that believe.”(The Bible)

Ben Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States, was an inventor, writer, politician, and scientist who said:

“You can do anything you set your mind to.”

Nelson Mandela, who went from prison to become President of South Africa, said:

“It always seemed impossible until it was done.”

Alexander, the great who at the age of 31, had already conquered the civilized world of his time said:

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.”

Michael Phelps, the American swimmer, 22 times Olympic gold medallist said:

“Dream as big as you can dream, and anything is possible.”

Napoleon Bonaparte, The French Emperor who conquered Europe, said:

“Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.”

Walt Disney, the creator of Disneyland and the biggest entertainment company in the world, said:

“The things that seem impossible today will become realities of tomorrow. It is kind of fun to do the impossible.”

They were able to dream impossible dreams by believing in them and having the vision, determination, and courage to reach the goals they set for themselves.

That was possible for these great leaders, but what about us, ordinary people?

We often give in to the idea that these amazing feats are the exclusive rights of a few exceptional individuals.

We try and fail and become convinced that we are not capable of such success. That we cannot achieve what we set our minds to do.

Like someone said: “If you believe you CAN, you are right, if you think you CAN’T, you are also correct because our attitudes determine our realities.”

How does it work?:

If we believe we can achieve something by merely wishing and hoping for it, we are wrong! If we set unrealistic goals, we are doomed to fail.

But if we take a realistic goal, set our mind to accomplish it and dedicate the time, discipline, hard work, and perseverance to attain that goal, we are probably on the way to achieving it.

That is what these people did, they refused to quit, they failed and tried again, the worked hard and gave their all to their cause, ideas and goals, and that is the only difference.

We can dream impossible dreams by believing in ourselves and having the vision and determination, the courage to reach the objectives we set for ourselves.

The reality:

Most people give up too quickly and choose the easy way. It is easier to live a mediocre existence in front of a TV than to sacrifice, risk, and lose our life for a time so that we will eventually reach the desired outcome.

How much time do we waste? The time that could be used to develop new skills or build a new business. But since it is the norm, none seems surprised by our lethargy, apathy, and lack of success.

But when someone decides to break from the silent majority and reach for the skies, then they become the heroes everyone admires.

What is Faith?

Faith, derived from the Latin word: “fides,” which means confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. In the context of religion, one can define faith as confidence or trust in a particular system of religious belief (Wikipedia).

We start by believing in ourselves, and having favorable views of who we are, accepting the love of those who care about us, and finding a cause to trust.

We must not allow fears or self-doubts to destroy our self-confidence. Everything we get from life will be the result of whatever we believe we deserve it, or that is possible.

  • We must believe in our ability to reach the path we set for ourselves.
  • We must learn to see ourselves as the person we aspire to be.
  • We must act in a manner consistent with our aspirations.
  • We must take action towards achieving our desired goals.


  • One of the greatest gifts we possess as human beings are our ability to choose. We always have a choice, and we have to learn to make the right choices.
  • We are all creatures of habit. We need to create the right patterns that will set the foundation for the attainment of our goals.
  • We need to discipline ourselves, be willing to sacrifice now, for the greater good in the future, and we must learn to delay gratification.


We need to learn to see defeat as a stepping stone to a greater good. It is ok to fail, as that is how we learn to do it better next time. We know that most successful men failed many times before they finally succeeded.

When we look at the outstanding individuals, we only see the final result and fail to see what it took for them to get to where they are.

We do not recognize the years of hard work, sacrifice, failure and rejection, the sleepless nights, and the school of hard knocks, all that was necessary to make them in the final product that we see and admire.

The “I can do all things” checklist:

  • Have confidence in your abilities to get things done. Break your goals in small steps easier to achieve. If you don’t know how to: Learn.
  • You need a clear idea and vision of what you want to achieve. If you don’t know where are you going, how can you get there?
  • Set Goals. Step out of your comfort zone. Build your faith step by step by taking action one day at the time.
  • Remember: you are worth it! You are unique! There is only one of you in this world, and you have a life that is exclusively yours to live. Forgive and respect yourself.
  • Do or die trying! Don’t make excuses; find a way! You are bound to lose sometimes, but that is ok, as long as you keep fighting.
  • Be grateful for all that you have! Focus on the good! Stay positive.

Remember: All things are possible IF you believe! These are not just pretty words, but a reality proved by many people throughout history. It is the most crucial choice that you must make to rise above mediocrity.

You will stand tall, and you will be like a strong tower, where others can take refuge from the storms of life. You take control of your life, and you can direct your destiny for your happiness in this world and the comfort and security of those you love.



Vitin Landivar

A Peruvian by birth, I have traveled the world, lived in different countries, have a beautiful family, and love the work I do. I also love reading and writing.